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PERFORMdANCE #35  // April 2025 



In an attempt to strengthen Austria-wide networks among up-and-coming contemporary dance artists, PERFORMdANCE festival is looking for 2 to 3 short solo works from Austria-based artists from the fields of contemporary dance and performance. The selected works will be performed as part of a shared evening during the festival’s coming edition between 11. and 17. April 2025 at ARGEkultur Salzburg.



  • The work must be a solo piece (meaning one person on stage), the choreographer can but does not have to be performing themselves.

  • The solo must be between approximately 10 and 20 minutes long.

  • To ensure manageability within a shared evening of several pieces, a relatively simple technical set-up is highly encouraged.

  • The festival’s theme is going to be oscillating around the topics of resonance, mutual influence and horizontal exchange – thematic correlation of your submitted work is therefore a definite plus, yet not a necessity.

Participating artists’ labor is remunerated according to the minimum fee recommendations by IG freie theater Austria. Submit your application via Google Form by October 11th 2024. You will hear back from us by November 8th 2024.


About the festival:

PERFORMdANCE, a co-event by tanzimpulse Salzburg and ARGEkultur Salzburg, has existed for the past 34 years. Next to serving as a platfrom for local Salzburg and Austrian dance artist, the week-long festival regularly features several international works as well.With a focus on bridging the gap between audiences and performers through participatory and experimental formats, as well as outreach, discourse and accessibility, PERFORMdANCE is eager to build and strengthen relationships between artists and audiences, as well as within the dance field itself.


Aftermovie 2024

Program 2024

Portrait about last year’s festival by CPA (Choreographic Platform Austria)

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