The association tanzimpulse Salzburg was founded in 1990 by Helene Weinzierl & Peter Huber and since then has organised the International Easter Dance Days, the herbst.tanz Festival and, since 2001, the PERFORMdANCE Festival.
The International Easter Dance Days and herbst.tanz offer a workshop programme aimed at both professional and non-professional dancers of all ages. In both spring and autumn, there is a special focus on dance encounters for people with and without disabilities.

In recent years, the programme has ranged from courses in contemporary dance, samba, salsa, tango, jazz & musical dance, breaking, hip hop, vogueing, burlesque, Alexander Technique, Tai Chi, Butoh, African and Oriental dance to somatic practices such as yoga, Rolfing, Shiatsu, Feldenkrais, Pilates and Aikido.
PERFORMdANCE, which combines the workshop programme of the Easter Dance Days together with a varied performance program at ARGEkultur Salzburg, takes place every year during the week before Easter, while herbst.tanz is spread over various weekends from October to December.